Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day 2011

What a busy day for us. I had to be at church by 8:45 to set up my cards for sale. My partner made 86 pies to sell for $10 each. She sold out! All of the money goes to the Sr. High Peru Trip. I made almost $200. That's a blessing from God indeed.
Today Ben and I were able to come home early at about noon. We celebrated Father's Day with dinner at Longhorn Steak House. Tim wanted to also celebrate the Kid's Mission Trip. So we had a wonderful meal together to celebrate the blessings from God.
We celebrated at home with gifts for dad and cards.
My dad has been gone since 1983. He died of cancer at age 57. That's way too young to die. I truly miss him. He died at a point in my life where we had transferred to friends from father/daughter relationship. It was wonderful to eat breakfast together each Sunday, then go somewhere close like the duck pond to enjoy nature and talk and get to know who each other really were. I miss you Dad but know I will see you again some day!

Next we double-checked packing for Peru and loaded into the van at 9:15 pm. The kids weighed their baggage and Sarah won the award for the lightest bag at 23 lbs.
They left after prayer from the head pastor at about 10:30 p.m.
It was an interesting ride home. It will be interesting to see what life is like without kids again. It's been 16 1/2 years since we've experienced that. LOL

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Important Updates

Hey Everybody,   I have a few IMPORTANT updates to share, including a brand-new rewards program, price change details, an exc...