Thursday, August 30, 2012

What an AWFUL DAY!!!!!

I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day today and so did Patti.  Our kindergarten students really put us through the ringer all before noon.  I had a student as her mom left, sit on the floor and scream and wail for a good 35 minutes.  She allowed us to pick her up and rock her in the library where it was quiet, but it took that long to quiet her down, walk her to my room for a while, then get her into the K classroom.
  When I entered the classroom with her there was a little boy who was so defiant he was throwing his things on the floor and tipping his chair over and yelling, no, no, he wasn't going to do it, he wanted to go home!  I told him I did too just before I slid his chair out the door and down the hall to my room where he could burn off some energy and jump on the trampoline.  Once he was happier and we were jumping on the trampoline together said, "You break it."  I assured him I wouldn't and we jumped a bit more.
  When I got him settled another young man was yelling and when he didn't get his way he crawled on the floor and tried to hide from us.  He was walked to my room and allowed to jump on the trampoline and played with some blocks, darted from computer to computer trying to turn them all on and get on the internet, only to turn off the computer, then turn it on and open the 'd' drive to put in and take out disks.................
Someone got their drool on my shirt which wouldn't come out of the black shirt I had.

Thankfully Patti was in there for part of the time along with the full time assistant for the last child I described.  Pray that God's will is done.  My will is that the last child is moved to a more appropriate placement. So you can see I need some work on my prayers.

I couldn't wait for Ben to pick me up and get out of there.  I was absolutely spent.  I told Patti I didn't sign up for this type of physical job this late in my career.  She said she didn't either.
At lunch we both took Ibuprofen to help with body pains.

I ate dinner and described the day the funny and not so funny and Tim and I went out on the back porch for coffee and I sat in a soft chair and kept closing my eyes to the point it was hard to keep awake.

I will be making cards again tomorrow as I get ready for the long weekend.  What are you doing for the weekend?  Me? I think I'll sleep!! LOL
Blessing of the day: Ben rescued me from the school today.

1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

I'll be praying for you, friend! Teaching is not what it was 20 years ago -- so many kids with so many problems. I know you will touch the hearts of those kids throughout the year. Make sure to get the much needed rest you deserve this weekend. Relax and make some cards : )

Did You Know? You Can Layer Embossing Powder to Make a Metal Looking Tag

 Hey everybody, I've been having lots of fun with heat embossing this week. In My previous post I showed you how to heat emboss ribbon. ...