Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday Funday

Today was a lounge around day. I did get to make some cards.  This card was to help celebrate the featured stamper on SCS today.  This is an Our Daily Bread image and die cut.
This is a Christmas card made for Teapot Tuesday.  This week a card goes to a fellow teapotter.  WE'll find out tomorrow who we send our card to.  It's so much fun to get something fun in the mail.
Kids are home safe and sound.  Went right up to bed, said they were tired.
What a hoot this is.  At work I put a sticky note on my badge so I can remember what I'm going for. LOL
 I felt like this Thursday and Friday at work.
I love reading this and being reassured.
 I found a great bedroom that Tim would absolutely love!

Thanks for stopping by.
Blessing for Today:Kids are home safe.

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