Friday, May 10, 2013

Dizzy, Dizzy, Dizzy Home After A Half Day

What a weird day.  I went to work but felt dizzy and it didn't go away so I left at lunch time.  Tim and Ben came to get the car and me.  I don't know what's going on.  Yesterday a headache and today dizzy......I had to cancel Card Ministry tonight.  It's the first time in 5 1/2 years.

I did make some cards and found some neat things on FB.
The first two cards are for Card Ministry.  We needed a few cards for these anniversaries.
 This card was made for Free For All Friday where you had to make a card for Mother's Day.  I love this retired set Inspired by Nature and after stamping it I ran it through the cuttlebug to give it a texture to make it look more elegant.  What do you think?
 I sure needed to hear this today.  When you're not feeling well, you can begin to lose hope more easily.  I'm glad God brought this to my attention today.  Of course it was perfect timing.
I giggled when I read this on FB.  Thought you might too. :)

 I really liked this saying.  I've always believed that kids should be helping around the house from the time they are two or so.  Mine helped put silverware in the dishwasher, throw things in the garbage, get a diaper for the baby etc.
    Now they can do grocery shopping, laundry, clean and manage their time.(for the most part)
   Ben goes to college in the fall and Sarah will be in her Senior year of high school.  I'm praying that they are ready to face what God has for them.
 I thought this might brighten your day as it brightened mine.
 I guess you can see today was a day of needing this encouragement.  If you are there too, this is for you.

We're not invisible to God.  Isn't that a great comfort!

Blessing of the day:God saw my need and provided lots of encouragement.
Thanks for stopping by.


Stampin' Mom of Four said...

Hope you feel better soon! I'm going to have Bradley listen to that song.

RitaR said...

I love your parenting attitude .... teaching your children responsibility from an early age! We felt as you do as we raised our son. He's 37 now and a WONDERFUL Christian son, husband and father of 3 adorable little girls.

I'm sorry to learn that you haven't felt well .... I wonder if the pollen could be the problem? That could be causing headaches and dizziness. Allergy medication could be the answer.

Praying that you are feeling much better soon!

Have a blessed Mother's Day!

January 2025 Class Follow-Up

  Hey Everybody, Here is the January Class Follow-Up. It was great seeing everyone. Still praying for those who were sick or couldn't ma...