Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Operation Write Home

I just sent 200 cards off to Operation Write Home!  Many cards were made by ladies around the country and sent to me for different causes.  I currently make and send cards to Cleveland, Ronald McDonald House, A Nursing Home, A Hospice for Women, our Church Card Ministry and Operation Write Home.  I love doing this!  Now that I'm retired I'll be able to make more time for this.

I am now working on cards for my class Friday.  I have to decide what else to make for it.

Here are two baby deer that were romping in our backyard.  They are cute at this stage as long as they stay away from my plants!
This is a yellow finch who was singing quite a song of thanks for his food.  What a wonderful thing to be able to sit and listen to.  God is all around us.
We moved our bird bath and now can see birds using it.  Sarah and I had fun doing this and got a little video of it.
Here are some cards I've made using some new sets.

I'm in the middle of a very stressful time so this song now in the acoustic version helped me today.

Blessing of the Day: Bible Study with Mary Anne and Chuck.
                               Did Homework for class tomorrow.
                                Sarah and I talked about helping each other with things here.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

Wow! That's a lot of donated cards! I need that song today, thank you. I hope it helps relieve your stress, too.

Black Ice Technique

 Have you ever heard of the Black Ice Technique in cardmaking? You Begin with a metallic piece of paper. It can be gold, silver, copper, cha...