Saturday, July 13, 2013

More Sunshine and Blue Skies

What a beautiful day we had today!  It was in the 80's but we had a breeze all day.  Tim worked outside all morning removing shrubs and putting new ones in.  We've had bushes that the deer wouldn't leave alone, so he got some evergreens that they don't seem to touch, er, eat. :)

Card Ministry made Miss You cards for Operation Write Home.  We were able to make 75 cards and were able to write 30 Any Hero Cards.  These cards were written in by ladies at Card Ministry.  They will be given to soldiers that don't get much mail.  I think that's such a great idea.  Here are the cards we made:  I tried to make masculine and feminine cards as well.

I got these cards all packed up to send out Monday to Operation Write Home.  I'm thrilled that I can do my part to help these soldiers around the world know they are not forgotten.

Today was a busy day with jobs done around the house and shopping to do for Ben's trip to El Salvador.  Tomorrow Sarah comes home and so does Ben's girlfriend Rachel.  They are traveling through the night and getting home around 8:45 a.m.  I can't wait to see her.  I told her I'd hug her when I saw her.  She will be very tired when she gets home.  Not sure how much sleep she will get in the bus.

Here's a song that I really like.  It's called Dead Come To Life by Jonathan Thulin.  See what you think.

Blessing of the Day: Finished packing up all of the Cards for Operation Write Home.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

So thankful our weather has gotten better. Blessings on your card ministry!

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