Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cleaning and Crying Then Laughing

I was at it again, cleaning out my file drawers that still had teacher stuff in them.  Some were outdated teaching books and some were still usable.  I started sorting again: keep pile(kid books), recycle pile, trash.  I purposely did this job last night because today is garbage day.  The stuff wouldn't have to sit around for a long time.  Sarah and I will take three boxes of recycling paper to a local recycling dumpster.

So here's where the crying part comes in.  I found all sorts of DVDs and pictures of the kids from baseball/softball years, and baby and toddler years.  I found a video Ben made for me for Christmas with pictures of them growing up with his choice of music.  I sat there and watched some of each one of the DVDs and tears ran down my cheeks.

In the midst of some of these things I found the cutest envelope from Sarah.  The front of the envelope says: Mother Dear.
On the back it says:Encouragement for your tough day! I love you very much!
Inside was a note that said: Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you.  Psalm 55:22

It also included a round smiley eraser.  She wrote, I hope this encourages you with your rough day!
I love you,
Of course I started crying again............darn it anyway, you'd think I'd learn to quit cleaning things out! LOL

I made two cards for the SCS color challenge. I stamped in gumball green on glossy paper and dried with my heat tool. I colored the leaves with my blender pen and smoky gray ink. I used a dauber to apply gray to the glossy cardstock. I added embossing behind image and added black ribbon and candy dots. These will go to Operation Write Home.

I found this video on FB today and it made me laugh.  Hope it does that for you.

Praying for friends at work.  It seems that things are very stressful this year with something new called Common Core.  They have a young, new principal also.  It's hard to see this but I'm glad I'm not there.  It was stressful enough for me last year with all the changes. This year Tim says he notices a BIG difference in me now that I'm not working.

Had a busy day.  Sarah and I went grocery shopping, then dropped a package at the post office.  My friend Val came to stamp from 12-4.  I took her home, made dinner, then had Bible Study with Maryanne and Chuck. Tim and I got gas in the van and took 3 large containers of papers from my file to be recycled.

 I got to talk to Ben.  It's funny, I gave the phone to Tim first so he could talk then go to sleep.  That man talked 40 minutes!  I can't get him to stay on the phone 2 minutes let alone 40!  I asked Ben how he did it.  He just laughed..... I was serious!

Blessing of the Day:  In a text today Ben out of the blue said, "I love you mama." (tears from me of course) It's so much sweeter when THEY initiate it, then you know it's genuine, not just repeated.

Thank you for stopping by today.

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May Card Class Projects

Today I have the four cards we made in my classes this month. Many of the ideas have to do with texture in card making.  I used dry embossin...