Monday, September 23, 2013

Seasons Are A Changing

Yesterday was the first day of Fall.  It's so weird to say that and be here at home and not at school.  It has been fabulous sitting out on the screened in porch with coffee and watching the birds eat at the feeders and listen to the wind chimes. (Hope are you getting this?) TeeHee

Seasons of the year and seasons of life are changing.  Yesterday was a tough day.  I was cleaning out my nightstand drawer and found little notes from the kids and read them.  Of course they are full of fun things and I Love You Mom......made me cry.  Made me sad but happy that I've done my job and Ben and Rachel are in Texas and Sarah's finishing high school this year.  This is a bittersweet season in my life.
That should teach me NOT to clean out drawers! LOL
 Here's a gorgeous picture a friend posted of the sunset in Strongsville, a suburb south of us.  It's very rare, I think, to be able to do God's painting in the sky, justice.
This is such a funny video about a baby actor.  Check it out.  They learn early how to manipulate us don't they?

Blessing of the Day:Tim's home for a half day today.
Thanks for stopping by.

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May Card Class Projects

Today I have the four cards we made in my classes this month. Many of the ideas have to do with texture in card making.  I used dry embossin...