Sunday, September 22, 2013

God is Faithful

Here's a sweet story I saw this morning and wanted to share.

Here's a video that explains how the song Faithful came to be.

Faithful by Hawknelson  I'm going to keep this handy so when I go through tough times again, I can be reminded of God's Faithfulness.

   I am making cards for Operation Write Home and am playing Featured Stamper on SCS today. I took a 5x7 piece of glossy cardstock and stamped in versamark then embossed with clear ep, I used sponges to add color to the paper, then wiped with a paper towel and heat it again. I chose this card of Curt's to CASE.
 Here is something I saw on FB today.  It really hit home now that Ben is in Texas and Sarah's got a year left at home.
 Here is a picture of the Terminal Tower in downtown Cleveland.  It is lit up for our Cleveland Indians.  Tonight they won.  YEAH!  They also had fireworks thanks to Nick Swisher a player on the team.
Blessing of the Day: I got quiet time with God.
Thanks for stopping by.

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May Card Class Projects

Today I have the four cards we made in my classes this month. Many of the ideas have to do with texture in card making.  I used dry embossin...