Friday, September 20, 2013

I am Second To One, He is Second To None!

I heard this song this morning and liked it's message.  What a great reminder.

Here's the card I made for Friday's challenge on SCS.  We were to use a color for our background, not white or vanilla.  We were also to make it clean and simple.  Yikes, two things that I can't do well!  I tried.  I probably will add somethings to it now that I have photographed it. LOL

I saw this on FB tonight and was so proud of the students at Westlake High School.  Love to hear stories like this.  These two students were the winners of Homecoming King and Queen.  Click link for details.
 This is a Black and White pic. of  Ben and Rachel with only her flowers colored.
 I love this next image.  It describes many friends I have.  We're all busy but can talk up a storm when we meet or call.
Today I was a maniac with the cleaning.  I had to take a nap! LOL
I scrubbed the kitchen table, replaced placemats, cleaned counters and moved and wiped down everything, cleaned the stove, washed the walls in the food prep areas, washed cupboard doors, swept and washed the floor, and vacuumed the first floor.  Whew, I hope this doesn't continue! LOL

Blessing of the Day: I got a lot of things done today that needed to be done.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

Thanks for the song :) I love your cards! ... Wanna come clean my house??? I'm seriously going to pay someone soon to help me.

May Card Class Projects

Today I have the four cards we made in my classes this month. Many of the ideas have to do with texture in card making.  I used dry embossin...